Wednesday, March 30, 2011


At first when I got the news that I was laid off, I was sad! I really love most of the people that I work with! The saddest part was that I am not going to work with Melissa any more. For all of you that don't know Melissa, she is my bestie. I work right next door to each other and do everything together. I am going to miss having her next door to me and losing the person that I get to drink coffee with and have lunch with. We have known each other for 3 years and I am glad that I got the opportunity to meet her. I have meet such wonderful people here. I also met Lonita and Kristen here, they are also such wonderful teachers and friends. I also lost a wonderful friend last year, her name was Megan, she moved back home. We have become quite a group. I love hanging out with them. We have so much fun. The best part was that we all connected together, because of NOVA. We had so much fun making fun of this place. I will always remember the good times. Working at NOVA and experiencing all that I have here, definitely has made me realize how much I really don't want to be a teacher anymore!!! Especially in the middle school age group. You have to be nuts to want to work with these kids by choice.(AT least for me, this is how I feel). I really never wanted to work with middle school kids, but had to take the job, since their really wasn't much out there. Teaching has changed so much! I hate the direction that it is going in and I can't stand the amount of disrespect from everyone!. I have never had to work so hard in anything; as much as I do as a teacher. It has come to a point that parents nor their kids really don't care about education. At least the majority! Most of them just drop off their kids in the morning so that they can receive their free daycare. I am really tired of being a teacher, parent, counselor, dean, nurse, and psychologist to these kids. Ever since I heard that I was laid off, I am so much more relaxed and stress free. I am so glad that this happened to me. I really didn't enjoy coming to work and having anxiety attacks everyday. The only part that was good was seeing my friends. I am looking forward and I know that something better will come my way. As they say, "When one door closes, another one opens!" I am truly a believer of that!